Sunday, 22 February 2015

Lessons to take away from BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S.

Hello !

So i was sick home the other day and i was going through my list of movies yet-to-watch and i came across Breakfast at Tiffany's. I know it is a cult favourite and at first even though Ms Audrey Hepburn is oh so charming, i found the movie to be slightly on the slower side.there were many things in the movie that i wasn't a fan of ;but there were a few things i found to be life lesson worthy...

What is totally awesome though is that even 50 years after the movie elegance and sophistication is still very much synonymous with Audrey Hepburn! and she did it all with BLACK (dress) and WHITE (pearls).

the power of monochrome eh?! OH THAT'S LESSON NUMBER 1) 

2) No matter what crazy theatrical lunatics Holly Golightly was upto;she managed to do it with CLASS and was able to hold herself together enough to grab and keep Paul Varjak's attention and affection.


3)PRESENTATION is key! almost every other day you can feel like crap (that's normal) but that doesn't mean the world needs to see all of that (that's not!!).One must always keep an S.O.S kit (post coming soon ;)) that can take you from "hot-mess" to "hot-ness" in a matter of minutes!.


4)PETS are essential yes virtual and pseudo do apply as well and maybe even plants  ;)


5) It can't always be about the money.
"It’s always better to be yourself and have one person love you rather than have a dozen friends who don’t know who you really are"
6) We must learn to TAME THE INNER
HULK!. THINK- pizza,cheeky movie,blathering on the phone to mum about the bullies,etc etc.

be back soon!
XO~ Niv

Thursday, 12 February 2015


Oh hello..

Ah February is here 31 (plus 12 ) days of 2015 done!.. That was pretty fast! Anyhoo, February is usually synonymous with valentines day! Now I'm not a big lover or endorser of this particular day of the year..but nonetheless this post  seemed both fitting and cliché. (just like valentines day :-p)

But i do however feel there is a lippie for every pippi! and one must never underestimate the power of a bold lip....and after all this is one day where lips take the centerpoint than any other given day (wink,wink).

So ladies! whatever may be your relationship status...let your LIPS make the STATEMENT!

L-R: Ruby Woo by MAC- the demure
Apocalips by RIMMEL-the girly
Pure Garnet by L'OREAL-the rebel
So Chaud by MAC-the whimsical

It's not the labels that make's you who makes the labels ;)


XO~ niv

Friday, 6 February 2015

The power of saying YES

IHello there,

Well today I happened to be in a mood to just casually ramble about something completely random..
As a little girl I was taught to enable the power of NO! No to strangers no to drugs no anything that was "unknown or bad" per say..and I did so quite diligently up until the mind grew young and restless filled with curiosity...
I can proudly say I have made good choices than bad and NO has helped me along the way,don't get me wrong I am all about comfort and shells and being the queen of my castle..but every once in a while I do like a good challenge and lately I have been pushing my comfort zone and venturing out more and enabling a bit of YES along the a good way..(not the let's get high and go bungee jumping in our skivies type ;))
So a breeze through how I incorporate YES

- start my day off with some kind of juice

-to wake up early enough to take in few breaths of fresh air and squeeze in a some stretches

-to reading more

-to watch more mood lifting as well as mind stimulating show..(hello discovery channel and comedy central)

-to give myself time to stress and de-stress

-to expand my music

-to clear and declutter my space before bed

-visually organise my next days..right down to clothes and lipstick ;-)

-to blog

Making a list is the easy part..following through isn't always smooth sailing.. The battle is always on between the procrastinator and the perfectionist but being able to come to a compromise is the rewarding is a slow process but it need to keep going..
Hope this nudged you to make your own YES list..
It may seem silly,stupid, ridiculous, crazy..but it's yours..
Xo ~niv

Friday, 16 January 2015


Hello Beautiful-s,

First of all i would like to say WELCOME and a HAPPY NEW YEAR..yes i am well aware its the mid of the month but hey its still January and i am just gonna roll with this !:-)
since this being my first post (completely random ramble ) i just want to keep it short and not very long.

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