Sunday, 30 October 2016

Solo Festivities

Hello there lovelies,
So today I was motivated to write this blog post based on my personal experience.Everyone loves the holidays and the festivities that come with it..yes? However, does anyone actually enjoy the holidays by themselves like superman in his fortress of solitude? Well, I have grown up enjoying the festival Diwali and this year I am not exactly at home-home or maybe I just miss the way my mum does it ;). I have been alone on numerous occasions during this festival but for some reason I feel the pinch of it this year...very strange, but anyhoo I felt like this might help a few others who might be in the same situation as I.
Festivals for many can mean many things it can be good it can be bad or it could even be quite painful, so just putting it out there this is for the group of people for whom festivals and holidays bring back happy memories and for those it doesn't I respect your endurance.

1) Indulge in the fuss:
Make sure you try to follow the same routine as you would if you were home. Just because you do not get to spend it the way you used to doesnt mean you don't celebrate at all. But just the idea of you doing something that keeps the memory going is always satisfying.

2) Call:
Make sure you make time in your routine to call and express your wishes, love and gratitude to everyone important and keep and minute or two for catching up with people you have'nt talked to in a while.Remember you can choose whom you wish to call or text. Its a good time to let bygones be bygones it helps lighten the baggage as well.

3) Giving:
Practicing the art of giving to the less fortunate can do a lot in terms of making your soul happy and satiated. Contribute to a mission with a purpose, orphanages or old age homes or any charity you believe in. If you want to take it one step forward often you can find many people to donate but with our hectic routines there are seldom who have the time to contribute. So if you have the luxury physically spend some time and volunteer.

4) Dress up:
I've come across this quote many times "No matter how you feel Get up, Dress up, Show up and Never give up" Pretty self explanatory eh? but makes sense to me, so get yourself or choose something that makes you feel happy, dress up even if you won't be going all out. the feel good that you get from doing this will definitely boost your mood and lift your spirits.

5) Take the invitation:
And if you get invited to a gathering or a festive party, if comfortable just go mingling and being in a similar environment is sure to get you feeling good about the day, plus it help build relations ofcourse. Also two words FESTIVE FOOD! win win.

Hope the light of Diwali spreads its warmth into your heart and shine into your life. Wishing you health and prosperity!


Saturday, 22 October 2016

Shoo away the morning grog..

Hello lovelies!!

Regardless of when this post goes up I want to stress that I wrote this on a Sunday night dreading the Monday to come.

Let's begin with the fact that I am not exactly a morning person, sometimes I am not even a night person and I can most definitely say that I am not an afternoon person. Lets just say I am still in the process of figuring it out...Buuut for the purpose of this post and because most of us are required to be up and raring during the daytime I decided to write down what has helped me become the ray of sunshine and sparkle i am in the morning.

A good morning starts the night before:
This may sound very parental but hear me out it is always a good idea to have the coming day mapped out for you, especially in terms of what you plan to wear, what you are expected to have ready and also what you would like to eat. I know many people do meal preps for the week and I truly admire that! But I can be moody and the flare for adventure kicks in and I'll throw out my entire planned schedule...soooo I decided to take it one day at a time which is great life advise apparently (again something I struggle with).

A good night's sleep:
Again something we have been told time and again to practice ever since we were probably 6 years old. It's a proven fact that good sleep results in good productivity (as per general census) . Now i am sure everyone has varying levels of errands to run and also some people bring home their work etc, but its a good rule of thumb to stop all work related things atleast 2 or even 3 hours before you hit the sheets. And for the brother and sisterhood of insomniacs I shall do a post soon on how to achieve the elusive beauty sleep.

Power-up and Power-down routines:
All of you with abilities like the scarlet speedster (yes I am a comic book geek), please skip this entire paragraph but the rest of you mere mortals please continue. It is always good to have a routine in place that gets you started for the day and a routine that ends it. A carefully choreographed dance if you will. Have a playlist or youtube videos or even audio books playing in the background, making a nice cup of beverage, etc the sky is the limit as long as you have the time. And if you're a naughty once squeeze in a round or two with that special someone in your life. Or call your parents for a quick hello or smother your pet.

Not all blues are light sabers:
I like to keep a designated time during my rise and fall where I DO NOT look at my phone or any other menacing electronics. I know how important it is for many to switch the moment you wake or to the point of drifting off.. but even if you can manage half an hour do it! in the long run it will be better for you.

Run a mile or Stretch an inch:
It gets the blood flowing, gives you a happy kick and irons out the crooks on your body. Indulging in exercise and stretching is just a great way to have a good day or to end it. For inspiration just look up youtube or pinterest to be inspired and motivated.

I've had my fair share of despicable mornings and these are a few things that worked for me and I wanted to pass it around. Hope it helps.

Toodles y'all!

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